

Xin-Guang Zhu

Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology

Dr. Xinguang Zhu,Professor of the Center of Excellence for Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Zhu's research focuses on developing novel approaches to improve crop photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency. He identified a number of options to improve photosynthetic efficiency, which won him the 2013 Melvin Calvin Andrew Benson Award from ISPR. Dr. Zhu's lab now focus on two projects, one being understanding the evolutionary process of C4 photosynthesis from C3 photosynthesis with the goal of creating C4 photosynthesis in current crops, the second being developing multi-scale systems models of photosynthesis, spanning from metabolism, cellular, leaf, canopy up until ecosystems scales, with the goal of identifying new options to improve crop photosynthetic efficiency. Many of the identified options are now under testing in crop species, especially in rice. Recently, Dr. Zhu’s lab developed crop photosynthetic phenotyping facility, which can be used to support future crop photosynthesis genetics research in the field. He serves on the editorial boards of Plant Cell and Environment, Frontiers in Plant Physiology, Royal Society Open Sciences, Plant Communication etc. He is one of the founding editors of in silico Plant and a member of Faculty1000.

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